Suskleidžiamas turinys

We sell parts for starters and alternators, bearings and motor brushes.

Use the search box, type Your starter / alternator number (You can find it on Your starter / alternator engraved or on a label attached).

After You see the results, please double confirm, that Your starter / alternator number is stated in the part description.

If You can't find the part You need, You can contact us for a help at the following email:


Suskleidžiamas turinys

You can shop without creating an account.

If you've forgotten your password, request a link to reset it or follow the 'Forgot your password' instructions on the 'Sign In' page.

You can only request to cancel the orders that have not been processed within 3 (three) hours of order confirmation.

To request the order cancellation please contact our customer service at the following email:


Suskleidžiamas turinys

Currently we ship worldwide.

We ship daily excluding weekend and Latvian public holidays.